Upstream Public Health, a 501(c)(3) organization, was founded in 2003 to promote the social, economic, political, and community conditions that improve the health and well-being of all Oregonians. Upstream was founded by several hard-working and determined members of the public health community and recent graduates of Portland State University’s School of Community Health who recognized the importance of policy change. These founders and new allies remain convinced that by providing trusted, accurate, reliable, and timely information to policy-makers and community members, we can influence decision-makers to adopt sound policies that promote public health.
The public health professionals working and volunteering for Upstream have provided technical assistance, consultation, and leadership services on a variety of public health policy issues. As a recognized leader in public health advocacy, Upstream has proven to have the skills, the experience, and a body of grassroots allies to drive a wide range of public health advocacy agendas across the State of Oregon, now and in the future.